Unveil the future of non-surgical hair restoration with scalp micropigmentation. Using organic pigmentation, this advanced technique impeccably replicates hair follicles on both the face and head, masterfully crafting an illusion of fullness and density. Ideal for those with bald heads, receding hairlines, facial or scalp scars, or even minimal hair thinning, this pain-free procedure has swiftly become the preferred choice for over 500,000 individuals in the U.S., outpacing traditional wigs or invasive surgeries. Dive into the realm of SMP and reclaim your confidence with lasting, transformative results.



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immediate results after just one session

Perfect For:

  • Alopecia

  • Male and Female Pattern Baldness

  • Hair Thinning

  • Scars

smp specialist mike pinkhasov

With a deep passion for his craft, Mike Pinkhasov stands out as a certified SMP technician dedicated to providing exceptional results. His meticulous attention to detail and commitment to his clients' satisfaction ensures every procedure meets the highest standards. Trust in Mike's expertise for a transformation that looks both natural and impressive.

  • While everyone's pain tolerance varies, most clients report feeling minimal discomfort during the SMP process. In many cases, it's described as a light tingling sensation on the scalp. We ensure that the procedure is as comfortable as possible for every client, and topical numbing agents can be used if needed.

  • SMP is considered semi-permanent. The results can last several years, but over time, the pigments might fade slightly. Factors such as sun exposure, skincare routines, and individual skin type can affect longevity. Periodic touch-ups might be recommended to maintain optimal appearance.

  • After your Scalp Micropigmentation session, it's crucial to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your technician. Generally, you should avoid washing or wetting your scalp for a few days, steer clear of heavy sweating or exercising, and protect the treated area from direct sunlight. After a week or so, you can return to your regular hair and scalp care routine, but always consult with your SMP specialist for any personalized recommendations or concerns.